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Bidding process launched for new storage products at the Trianel gas storage facility in Epe

For the first time, Trianel Gasspeicher Epe launches firm storage capacities for one and two years on the market

Aachen, Epe. Trianel Gasspeicher Epe GmbH & Co. KG has developed three innovative storage products on a firm basis with terms of one and two years, which are now being auctioned off. A total storage volume of 400 GWh is available from storage year 2026, divided into 16 storage lots, each with a working gas volume of 25 GWh.


“This is our response to the increasing demand for flexible storage products,” explains Carsten Haack, Managing Director of Trianel Gasspeicher Epe GmbH & Co KG. “When developing the products, we focused on the needs of market participants to be able to offer tailor-made solutions. Storage customers can access their stored gas securely and very flexibly over the long term, especially for products with a two-year term.”


Interested parties are invited to participate at the auction process. It is possible to submit bids for one or more products and lots. In principle, contracts are awarded according to the bid price for the respective product.


The bidding process ends on 18 February, 2025, 12:00 hrs (CET).


The most important key data for the three new products at a glance:



Turnover Period

Contract Period

Working Gas Volume [GWh]

Injection Rate [MW]

Withdrawal Rate [MW]

Number of Lots


104 days

2 years





Flexomic fast

53 days

1 year





Flexomic super fast

44 days

2 years






The detailed description of the bidding procedures as well as the storage products and sample contract documents can be found at: https://www.trianel-gasspeicher.com/en/products/current-auctions




Ingela Marré, Press Officer

Phone +49 241 41320-543 | Mobile +49 160 899 47 19 | Email i.marre@trianel.com


Thorben Braß, Junior Corporate Communication Officer

Phone +49 241 41320-245 | Mobile + 49 160 933 959 83| Email t.brass@trianel.com



About Trianel Gasspeicher Epe GmbH & Co. KG

Trianel Gasspeicher Epe GmbH & Co. KG (TGE) has been operating a natural gas storage facility consisting of four underground caverns with a current working gas volume of 183.2 million cubic meters at the Epe site in Gronau (Westphalia) since 1 October 2008. The gas storage facility, which is owned by 16 predominantly municipal and quasi-municipal shareholders, is one of the fastest of its kind in Germany.





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Ihr Ansprechpartner

Ingela Marré, Pressesprecherin der Trianel GmbH

Ingela Marré
